Son’s Cigars is a boutique cigar shop in Exton, PA that sells a wide variety of premium cigar brands.
Son’s Cigar approached Cigarketing in need of an ecommerce website. The brand was opening a brick-and-mortar shop and needed a website that would fully integrate with its in-store point of sale for seamless inventory monitoring. Son’s Cigar also needed a way to offer its Cigar of the Month Club online.
Cigarketing developed an ecommerce website for Son’s Cigar with an array of features designed to improve the brand’s customer experience, improve upsells, and make the business operate more efficiently. Cigarketing also built other unique functionalities into the design of the ecommerce website, such as the secure payment processing, email newsletter subscriptions, social media integration, etc. that will help the website keep up with the growth of the business.
Son’s Cigar’s new website makes managing business much easier. Integrated shipping options allow the company to easily print labels and provide customers with tracking numbers, while abandoned cart emails, customer coupons and recommended products provide extra opportunities to upsell or reach customers who are on the fence about purchasing. And with better organization of the brand’s inventory, it’s easier than ever for customers to find the products they are looking for.
Under the new online version of the Cigar of the Month club, customers can preview the cigars at home before they are billed for the month, and are given a unique coupon code for an online order in any given month.
We came to Cigarketing with specific requests in what we wanted our site to look like and how we wanted it to function, like integration with our POS and a unique way to do a cigar of the month club. We also wanted an easy way to manage our online storefront with the ability to add products quickly and manage orders that didn't require coding experience or were too technical. We're happy with what Cigarketing gave us and confident you'll be too!
Mitul Shah
Owner, Son’s Cigars
The Cigarketing team understands the daily challenges business owners face and is ready to show that they don’t have to do it alone.