Cigar Marketing: 9 Things You Should You Say in Your Email Campaigns

A good email marketing campaign can help you reach and engage readers, convert leads and keep your customers interested in your cigar products and services. 90% of internet users in the united states own an email account for private or business purposes, coupled with 4.1 billion email users worldwide; basically everyone on the internet today uses email. Email marketing is one of the primary forms of digital marketing, with campaigns directed to customers and businesses individually. Rather than go through generic forms of marketing, marketing cigars via email takes your business directly to your desired customer through whatever internet-enabled device they use. 

What is the Purpose of an Email Campaign?

An email campaign comprises multiple emails sent out by a business with a specific goal in mind. The goals set by your business would determine the purpose of a good email marketing campaign. These goals could be:

  • Creating awareness about cigar products or services
  • Traffic generation towards your cigar shop
  • Converting leads into paying customers 
  • Making sales and generating revenue

Your email marketing strategy should meet the target goals set by your business. For instance, the goal set by a cigar shop could be to get 100 new customers through email campaigns; a good cigar shop email campaign would have to meet this goal or, even better, exceed it.

Things You Should You Say in Your Email Campaigns

1. Say precisely what you want your readers to do after they are done with your email; Include Clear Calls to Action in Your Emails.

A call to action or a CTA is a written directive used in marketing campaigns. CTA’s help persuades email readers to perform the required activity. A call to action in an email marketing strategy can come in various forms: button, text hyperlink, or even plain text with no link. After reading your email, always state precisely what you want your reader to do. Use powerful action phrases that elicit emotions or urge readers to do the required action when writing a CTA. For example, an excellent call to action after an email on “the best cigar gifts” would be “buy now and get 50% off”.

2. Say what your email Is about using a catchy subject line.

People receive tons of emails daily. To increase the chances of your email getting read and, more importantly, your call to action being followed, make sure the subject line of your email campaign is appealing to your readers. Be specific while using words that pique curiosity or power words that emotionally trigger your reader.

3. Say exactly who you are in each email.

 Readers sort through several emails daily. They are more likely to ignore emails when they can’t immediately identify the sender, even if they enjoy your content. When marketing cigars via email, add a personal touch and build a relationship with your reader, so they open your emails because they know it’s from you.

4. Say ‘you’ more often.

Studies show that the word ‘you’ happens to be one of the most powerful words in copywriting because people love to be referred to individually. To make your email campaign more engaging for a reader, it could be better to use their first name, but doing this throughout the email can appear stuffy, so try using ‘you’ instead. 

5. Personalize whatever you say to each reader

Say everything in your email like it’s for that particular reader. Personalized email campaigns are more likely to engage your readers. You don’t have to prepare each email individually; instead, use a format that appeals to your target audience. Who doesn’t want to read an email specially crafted for them by their favorite cigar company?

6. Say your greetings differently.

Every part of your email should be appealing, including the greetings. Avoid automated or bland greeting styles and be more fun, creative and personal.

7. Say precisely why your reader needs to get your product.

It’s a common mistake to try and oversell your cigars with each email; instead, tell your audience about the benefits of your products in the most subtle way possible. Humans are impressionable so rather than hound readers down to buy your products, show them why your cigars are the best for them. 

8. Say how readers can change the frequency of how they receive your emails or even opt out.

Building an email list takes time and a bit of strategy, and understandably you don’t want readers to leave. A good email marketing campaign feature is a clear directory for readers to opt out from receiving your emails, and in some regions, you may be legally required to do so. Don’t be worried; with an effective email campaign, readers would wish they could subscribe to more of your content.

9. Whatever you say through an email campaign, make sure it’s useful.

Even with the catchiest subject lines, the most personalized content, and a call to action that literally holds a gun to their heads, if the content you regularly send out isn’t helpful to the reader after a while, they’d simply stop reading your emails or worse unsubscribe.  

10. How Do I Execute a Good Email Campaign

Creating a good email marketing campaign that sells cigars and cigar accessories follows several steps and can quickly be done with an email planning template. Firstly, you would have to understand the recipient of your emails and what exactly interests them. Next, build an email list using various methods like sign-up forms and email submissions during check out. 

Refine your email list and offer personalized content for each of your customers. Create your message and make it as applicable to your readers as possible. Next, determine how often you send out your emails. Try not to bombard your readers. Finally, monitor your metrics to ensure your email marketing campaign achieves your laid-out goals.  

A good cigar shop email marketing campaign is easy to achieve, especially with the right skills and these tips in mind. Knowing the right things to say and communicating effectively to your readers can help you generate sizeable ROI from marketing cigars via email.

Reach out to us today and partner with Cigarketing to make your cigar email marketing campaigns a whole lot easier and productive.

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